Monday, January 10, 2011


Dentro del Programa de Estudios que los estudiantes de UTA se encuentran realizando en ´ACE, el fin de semana visitaron la Estancia La Cinacina, ubicada en San Antonio de Areco. Pasaron un típico día en la Pampa. Fueron recibidos con música, empanadas, salame, pan y bebidas. Después dieron un paseo a caballo y disfrutaron de un almuerzo donde degustaron diferentes tipos de carne, ensaladas, postre y café. Por la tarde, tuvo lugar un espectáculo de danza donde todos cantaron y bailaron y luego los gauchos realizaron destrezas, carrera de sortijas y carreras de sortijas.
Within the Study Abroad Program that the students from the UTA are taking at ´ACE., on the weekend they visit Estancia La Cinacina, located in San Antonio de Areco, outside the city in Buenos Aires province. They spent a tipical pampa´s day and were welcomed with music, "empanadas" (meat stuffed pastries), salami, country-made bread and drinks. Afterwards they took a guided horse back riding tour & carriage ride around the grounds. They enjoyed an Argentinean Barbeque that includes different kind of sausages and beef, salads, dessert and coffee. During lunch there was folk music and dance show where they participated singing and dancing. Afterwards, an exhibition of horse riders dexterities (ring races -carreras de sortijas- and "cuadreras") took place.

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